Well, this will be a fun blog... I have nothing to talk about. OH, actually, i do.
So if there are loads of you out there (there are not) then i need you ALL to comment on this video - i need as many ideas as possible :D
So thanks for commenting - i assume you already have :D (if you haven't, get out.)
anyway, I went to t4 on the beach and it was AMAZIN, if you follow me on twitter (follow me GODDAMMIT) then you will have seen the amazing up close picture of Irwin from the Hoosiers (well, its not that up close but its pretty damn close) and i met some amazing new friends who i wont name for privacy reasons :D, oh and i had a blokes trilby hat from Next (cus they don't do women's) and we were waiting for Example to come on and there were 2 blokes behind me with the same hat - how embarrassing!
I wish i could have gone to vidcon, it looked so amazingly aweesome! oh well, maybe in a few years time.
OH YAH, DofE, i hate the Duke of Edinburgh - i have about 9 bites on my legs, one is bigger than a 2 pound coin (for any americans, may i suggest google images for that reference) and i waded through a huge enclosure(?) with nettles about the same size as me, and a few the same height as my 6 ft friend - that was NOT fun and my legs are still stingy.
Went to the Doctors yesterday (my ears are blocked, not nice. my right ear kills) and the nurse got this odd vibrating/squirting contraption (Oo-er) that was supposed to get rid of excess wax? anyway, she stuck this thing in my ear - made it hurt even more than it already did and then blocked the one that wasn't blocked (I'm more or less deaf At the moment). oh and THEN, she asked me if i was interested in a free chlamydia test? LMAO!!
So this has gone from having nothing to talk about to having everything to talk about, haha. I'll stop now
(dedicated to Evie Snookumz)