Wednesday, 22 December 2010

The Paramore Situation

As you all should know, Paramore are my favourite band and are incredibly important to me, not just musically but also as role models - Especially Hayley - She is my idol and I can't stress enough how important this blog post is for me.

I love them so much =3
I heard my first Paramore song back in mid-2008, that song was "Hallelujah" (and is to date, my favourite Paramore song). I was instantly hooked, that was also the year that Twilight came out, I saw the movie and instantly picked out Hayley Williams' voice and Josh Farro shredding guitar - don't say that Twilight is the reason I am a fan, because IT IS NOT. Twilight simply fuelled my love for them. Now, up until about September 2009, I wasn't really a massive fan; I mean, I liked them and listened to them on a regular basis but I wasn't a full on parawhore yet. Then, Brand New Eyes and Ignorance were released and I fell head over heels in love - Literally, In Love. I felt like I knew them, like I could relate to their songs and like I belonged in their fandom. I admired Hayley, I would also say I fell in love with her too - She is different, talented and quirky.
As you all know, This year was the first opportunity I got to see them live, I got tickets on the day they were released (9:02am exactly. They were released at 9:00am :P) and I was stoked to see them. That evening I was on Formspring, when a question popped up saying "Why do you like Paramore if you hate Christians". Now, It is a well known fact that the members of Paramore are all religious and also is a known fact that I really am not, I responded to this saying that I didn't hate Christians, I just happened to not be one myself. This went on all evening (I know exactly who this was by the way, They were just jealous that I got tickets and they didn't), I wasn't going to give up defending my right to be a fan and listen to their music, and wasn't going to stop defending their music - I know that some of their songs have a religious message, and I know that, I listen to them anyway because I remember reading a quote a while back from Josh Farro saying "Our faith is very important to us. It's obviously going to come out in our music because if someone believes something, then their world view is going to come out in anything they do. But we're not out here to preach to kids, we're out here because we love music". The fact that I was still getting abuse from this individual on the matter a few days later led me to delete my formspring account and I NEVER disable accounts on websites due to abuse. I think this shows how dedicated I am to the band.
So I went to see them with two of my closest friends about a month ago at the O2 arena and I can honestly say it was the best night of my life, I laughed, nearly passed out on several occasions and sang along with nothing but love and devotion towards the five people on stage. This turned on my obsession, ever since everything I do, say, tweet and update about has been Paramore. Hayley Williams - I can't even begin to say how much of an inspiration and a role model she is to me, I literally would probably go suicidal if she were to die - THAT is how much I love her! (creepy maybe, but her voice is amazing and she seems like a lovely girl in general and she knows how much of a role model she is to young women across the globe), And this isn't because she "leads" the band because she doesn't! I would also like to add that I have a full on crush on Taylor York ('cus that's important).
Then on Saturday, I had just finished watching Harry Potter DH1 (You'll be getting a blog like this about Harry Potter in July, Don't you worry XD) with my cousin when I got a text from Chris (who I went to Paramore with) saying:" Josh and Zac have left Paramore!! :(" I responded with: "WTF?!!"
Now I'm not going to say that I didn't see this coming, because I somehow had a feeling something was going to happen. Especially when I heard that they were taking a year off. but it hurt. A LOT. I mean, It was like having your family split up (I have no actual experience of this at all so yeah, but thats the nearest thing I have ever had)
I read Hayley's announcement and kinda took it like "oh, that's cool. I guess there's nothing I can do" and left it at that. I was really rather sad and depressed but there was nothing I could do.
Then, this evening I read a blogspot post from "Josh and Zac". It explained the real reason why they left and how bad things were in the band. I really wasn't sure what to believe, whether it was legit or not. But about 2 hours ago, Jill Striffler posted a video from Josh himself explaining that the blog was from them.
I was shell shocked, like seriously. I was hurt, upset, confused. It felt like I was watching my best friends argue and there was nothing I could do to save the friendship. I still am not quite sure how I felt about the situation.
However, I do want to say one thing that immediately came to mind. If Josh and Zac were so unhappy with everything - Then why didn't they back out when they could. That's all I'm saying. I also think that Hayley should have approached the "official announcement" in a different way.
Other than that, I am staying completely unbiased in this situation. I don't want to... I don't even know. I just can't write it.
I just want to say that I will NEVER stop supporting Paramore, OR stop looking up to Hayley. They will ALWAYS be my favourite band and I still listen to their music with pride.
I support Josh and Zac and look forward to what they do next, who knows, maybe they will form a band. Or maybe Josh and Jenna will have kids. I also look forward to what the three of them (Hayley, Jeremy and Taylor) produce because I know they are working on a new album next and I know they will continue to give us beautiful music

My exact feelings at the moment <3

Keep rocking and don't loose your faith

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Remember when I said new blog every friday? About that...

Hey :)

Hope you all liked my little rick roll down there... sure gave me a thrill *is an internet geek*
right, things that have happened... Oh yes!
Best Paramore picture in history no?

On November 23th I saw Paramore, fucking hell... Best gig in the history of gigs, and that is no means exaggerating. I went with 2 of my best mates and they enjoyed it too XD, I was dead the next day and as is tradition I had to buy a t-shirt :). We got into the 02 and managed to see B.o.B (who was surprisingly good) and we knew that there were two support bands (No idea what happened to the first, we kinda concluded that they were playing WITH B.o.B) and so after B.o.B we thought, Oh, there's one more support band - we've got time to go get a hot dog and judge them. So the lights went down, Both Chris and Frankie had bought hot dogs and Frankie had a water bottle (which had no cap because apparantly we're gonna throw stuff at Hayley Williams, I would never throw anything other than myself at her... lol, and you probably think I'm kidding). So yeah, we were sitting there and the lights went down, the music started and we were like "oh, they aren't too bad" Then 4 spotlights went onto the curtain and we were like HOLY SHIT, THATS PARAMORE! So Frankie and Chris had to literally down the hotdogs and Frankie had to try and drink a bottle of water in a few seconds before I nearly collapsed of being starstruck (again, you probably think I'm kidding, Hayley came out for Airplanes and I nearly had a seizure)

In other news, I failed NaNoWriMo *high five* XD I got to 20,000 words though. Better than no words at all.

Also... I SAW DEATHLY HALLOWS :) *spoiler alert!*
Personally I thought it was the best movie so far (apart from Goblet of Fire obviously) I mean, it was amazing!
I loved the beginning when they were all getting ready for the war and they showed Hermione obliviating her parents (they could have used the same actors from COS but that's me just being picky XD) and was I the only one who preferred Hedwigs death in the movie than the book? Far more heroic in my opinion lol. The thing about David Yates... He doesn't include stuff in previous movies, then in the next movie, he acts like he did - This frustrates me deeply, Like the wedding, Oh my god it was like "theres a wedding?". Seriously, I could feel half the people around me who haven't read the book going, holy shit... We've only just been introduced to Bill, And he's getting married?
Now, the Harry-Hermione dance scene... I LOVED IT! That's all I'm saying, it was funny and lovingly awkward.
Godrics Hollow, HOLY SHIT! It was so damn scary! although, when Harry/Hermione says "I told you we should have used polyjuice potion" I had to blurt out "That's because in the book... You did!". Bathilda Bagshot was absolutely spot on! It was brilliant! So scary and if theres one thing David Yates is FANTASTIC at, it is creating tension, You know that the snake is going to jump out, but you don't know when.
The Silver Doe is arguably one of my favourite Chapters in Harry Potter so I was interested to see how it would pan out, and I was not at all disappointed. It was absolutely spot on and exactly how I imagined it happening - I must say, when Ron was confronted by the horcurx, I pictured it to look a little more... Angelic if you know what I mean, But it was still more or less spot on. I thought that Harry and Hermione making out naked kind of added to the jealousy so I had no problem with it... Aparantly Rupert Grint had to watch it being filmed and couldn't stop laughing.
Dobby's death, Most sad part of any Harry Potter film... Ever! I nearly cried (call me cold hearted but I can't cry at films, trust.) and that means, it was sad - Even though he did look like ET when he got buried... right?
Anyway, It was a great film and yeah... It was good XD

Gonna round this off now.
Peace <3

Monday, 8 November 2010

Hey :)

So I shall be putting a new excerpt up soon-ish (maybe tonight or tomorrow) but I recently found the stats button on blogspot so I want to say HI to the people who have/or do read my blog in:

United Kingdom

United States








And last but not least... China

You should all say HI! :)

LY. Oh and here's my Nanowrimo cover:
Drag and Drop into your address bar up there ^^ to see it in its entirety!

Excerpt soooon <3

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

NaNoWriMo :D

Hey! So i've decided to give NaNoWriMo a whirl this year. So far i'm nearing 5,000 words on day 3. Not bad?

I'm gonna be putting an excerpt on here later BUT
It contains "Sexual" content and a lot of swearing so yeah :)

I've warned you ♥

Friday, 15 October 2010

Another Post? Within the week? It cannot be?!


Yes, I am being frequent at the moment *high five*. I'm thinking new post every friday?

Anyway, like the new banner up dere? I personally love it but that's just me =D. Saturday consisted of nothing (unless I can actually remember what did happen that day, but I can't... So nothing did =D) Went down town on Sunday, such a laugh. Waited about an hour for a cooked breakfast just 'cus we had nothing else to do.

I was so ill on Wednesday. I felt awful. I had a headache, sore throat. You know when you just feel so ill that you can't really clarify what is exactly wrong... yeah, that's what it was like. Oddly enough I was fine the next day. I stayed off school anyway.

Today consisted of my German speaking exam and getting my 6th form application form/prospectus *ooooh, scary*.

Song of the week: Boxcar Blood - Alan Lastufka and Luke Conard.
Youtuber of the week: Beenerkeekee19952 (seriously, I love him XD)

Talk to you next week *work experience, yay!*


Friday, 8 October 2010

Better late than never :)


So I'm back, that's right :) I'm not dead and I have not given up on whoever reads this blog (EVIE!)
School started about a month ago, being Year 11 now we were all greeted with the same lecture of "This is the most important year of you life... you shall die if you get a D in anything" etc etc... which of course is not true because as long as you have at least 5 A*-C grades you can do A-levels.

Which moves me onto my modular exam results. I can tell you now (I just spelt that as "know" FML.) that I didn't achieve a single A* or A. I did get a B in biology however which was a pleasant surprise, as well as a B in Music (which was astonishing considering the whole exam contained everything we HADN'T studied but I'm not complaining). I got a C in Chemistry (which is a fucking miracle to be honest with you. I have never been more glad to get rid of a teacher in my life) and a C in History (thanks to a lot of cramming the night before). Here come the Ds... Yes, ladies and gentlemen... I got 3 Ds - however, two of those were in Philosophy and Ethics which have no reason what so ever, So in my head, I got 1 D (in physics but I hate physics sooo ya XD).

Last Saturday I got the cartilage of my ear pierced. Looks awesome but kills like a bitch. I really can't be bothered to post a picture, that involves effort.

I have my work experience the week after next which should be interessant (did I spell that right? Eve?!). My mum's colleague's friend's graphics company. Not too sure how it'll pan out but I have been reassured that it won't just be photocopying and coffee runs.

Who is this Eve character you are asking... well, she is my number one blog fan... and also one of my closest friends, who I have already dedicated a post to but I can dedicate this to her also :P

I don't mean to brag... but... I AM SEEING PARAMORE NEXT MONTH!!! YAY!! Seriously, you have NO idea how much I have been looking forward to this. Aaaah, gonna be so good. Hayley Williams is just a GODDESS!

I finally got around to ordering Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska. All I can say is... OH MY GOD. I don't think I have loved 2 books more (apart 7 rather spiffing books in particular... you know what I mean :)). Looking for Alaska just had so much action and the most tragically beautiful ending you could ask for. What I will say is that I found that Margo and Alaska were rather similar characters, both strong willed that just want to be noticed. I won't talk about it too much simply 'cus Eve is still reading Looking for Alaska.

Oh, I started doing videos :D (well, one) here so if you want to check my channel out then you can.

I think that that is about it for now

*high five for my longest post yet*

Keep reading, Keep Rocking and I will talk to you soon

P.S: MS Word has counted 530 words :D

Monday, 2 August 2010


I've dyed my hairr :D

i'll put a pic up sooooners :D

Byee x

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Summer holidays...Mmmm


So we've finally broken up from school.. Huzza. and so far, i have proudly done NOTHING... and made a worrying amount of cakes :3

I've been to the movies 3 times, but i've spent most of my time in my bed... on the computer *hangs head in nerdy shame*

i went to Rhythms of the world in Hitchin with two of my best friends and got to rave so that was fun

Eclipse..was.. BAD.

Toy Story..was...NOT.

Toy Story 3 was the best Toy Story ever!!!!!
And i loved the little Pixar short at the start, Day n Night.... SO good.
And i cried.... ¬¬

Thats it
Keep Rockin'

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Fullfilling Evie's wishes


Well, this will be a fun blog... I have nothing to talk about. OH, actually, i do.
So if there are loads of you out there (there are not) then i need you ALL to comment on this video - i need as many ideas as possible :D

So thanks for commenting - i assume you already have :D (if you haven't, get out.)
anyway, I went to t4 on the beach and it was AMAZIN, if you follow me on twitter (follow me GODDAMMIT) then you will have seen the amazing up close picture of Irwin from the Hoosiers (well, its not that up close but its pretty damn close) and i met some amazing new friends who i wont name for privacy reasons :D, oh and i had a blokes trilby hat from Next (cus they don't do women's) and we were waiting for Example to come on and there were 2 blokes behind me with the same hat - how embarrassing!
I wish i could have gone to vidcon, it looked so amazingly aweesome! oh well, maybe in a few years time.
OH YAH, DofE, i hate the Duke of Edinburgh - i have about 9 bites on my legs, one is bigger than a 2 pound coin (for any americans, may i suggest google images for that reference) and i waded through a huge enclosure(?) with nettles about the same size as me, and a few the same height as my 6 ft friend - that was NOT fun and my legs are still stingy.
Went to the Doctors yesterday (my ears are blocked, not nice. my right ear kills) and the nurse got this odd vibrating/squirting contraption (Oo-er) that was supposed to get rid of excess wax? anyway, she stuck this thing in my ear - made it hurt even more than it already did and then blocked the one that wasn't blocked (I'm more or less deaf At the moment). oh and THEN, she asked me if i was interested in a free chlamydia test? LMAO!!
So this has gone from having nothing to talk about to having everything to talk about, haha. I'll stop now

(dedicated to Evie Snookumz)


Monday, 14 June 2010

I'm back and no i didn't die!

Sup my blog readers (all two of you, me and one other person :L)

I have a lot to catch you up on so bare with me.

err, i'll name 10 things that happeneed recently:
1) I SAW OWL CITY!!! and to prove it:

Yes that's my t-shirt that i am sehr proud of.

2) I AM SEEING PARAMORE AT THE O2 IN NOVEMBER AAAAAH! You seriously don't know what this means to me!

3) Big brother started :)

4) i now have a deviantART page so check it out:

5) I got tickets to see t4 on the beach? did i mention that?

6) I might be seeing plan b :)

7) I started a new Youtube channel with my friends (/Sweetcornmassacre) it's awesome :D please check it out!


9) I had my last HPV injection (ouchies)

10) we started vertical tutoring at school (yay) and its basically where each form has bout 5/6 people from each year in the school.

Thats it from me, i'll be back soon.

Toodle pip and all that jazz

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

School and Somerset

Hey :)

School started again yesterday (tuesday) and it was crap... i had detention, and she didn't even have the decency to tell me why, not amused. And on friday until monday i went to somerset with le famille (i dropped french, so don't punish me if it is wrong :D)
Somerset really is old lady central.. Seriously; old ladies everywhere, i mean, we were on the west somerset steam railway (yes, it is as fun as it sounds.) and we had this old bat, seriously, i hated this woman and we had to sit across from her for an hour and a half. She sounded like the Catherine Tate nan, honestly. So this woman was with her daughter (i assumed, they looked related) and her son-in-law; he got up to get them some sandwiches and asked what they wanted, she said "OOH, get me anything, as long as it don't 'ave onion, i can't stand the stuff. Honestly, i don't mind boiled onion, ooh no, but any other type of onion... eurgh". So this poor bloke went and got them some food and when he came back about 15 mins later, the woman was pointing at the menu card that was on each table and said "Ooh, say we're going up are we? we're going up?" (We were going to minehead and minehead was at the top of the map) and her son-in-law said "well, technically we're going down hill from this point onwards, but we are going up in the sense of going north, if you like" she responded "so, we are going up? like, going up?"... i think he gave up :L

I'm not sure who reads my Blog but those of you who do, thank you :)
I hope my "new youtube layout" entry was good also.
If you havn't checked out me and my friends' new youtube channel yet, then it is here:
Have a good week!
Byee! xxx

Sunday, 11 April 2010

New Look :)

SO i decided to change the layout of my blog, the old one was a bit.... well... eh. It was very scattered.
i like it, but it also means i'mma have to go down through all the youtube vids i have put on here and re post them to fit,
Buuut i'm extremely tired so nighty night


Friday, 9 April 2010

Giving up on BEDA :P and YOUTUBE LAYOUT

I have decided to leave BEDA, i heard that VEDA has been moved to August, so i will probably do it then, as i have the whole of August to myself.

OK, so if any of you go on to youtube regularly then you will know that the video page layout has changed. If you want to voice your opinion to Youtube about the redesign then go here:
Harrassing Youtubers won't do anything, but that could. (i havn't been harrassed, i just find it annoying people commenting on videos sayingg "new layout is shiit" 5 people like this :P)

Wanna read my survey answers, well here they are:
How satisfied are you with new version of the YouTube video page?
Extremely dissatisfied, Moderately dissatisfied, Slightly dissatisfied, Neither satisfied or dissatisfied, Slightly satisfied, Moderately satisfied, Extremely satisfied.
(lol, how can you be "slightly satisfied" :L)

Typically, how often do you use YouTube?
Multiple times per day

What, if anything, did you find frustrating or unappealing about the new YouTube video page? What new features or capabilities would you like to see on the video page?
The comments section is jumbled and not very professional looking, personally i prefered the way that the video description, subscribe button and other users videos were all in one place, its all spread out and confusing now. Most of the "relevant" videos aren't even relevant. I really really dislike the "Like dislike" buttons, the 5 stars system was so much better, this is Youtube, not facebook. surely the thumbs up/down thing is a LOT more degrading than the stars?

What do you like best about the new video page? (this one took a lot of thunking)
the video description being below the video, this way its easier for the people in the videos to indicate to the description.

Did you experience any problems or difficulties with the new video page in the last two weeks?
Yes, Specifically: [Favouriting] (right?)

If you could describe the new version of the YouTube video page in one word, what would it be?

Did you take the guided tour of the new video page?
Yes, i thought it was [biased and unhelpful]

So there are my answers, personally i think the new video page is.. well... horse shit :)
the guided tour:

I just found that they fixed the captions, so they are no longer hilarious on this video... ¬¬

Thanks for reading :D

Sunday, 4 April 2010


I am very sorry that i missed yesterdays! i was feeling SO ill in the eveninng and had to go out in the afternoon, i apologise!

So yesterday, i went to my friends house and we created a new Youtube channel for all of us. Go and check it out :)

gonna go eat chocolate now :)

happy easter

Friday, 2 April 2010


Hey :)
Like last year i heard of a thing called "vlog every day in april" (i don't feel the need to explain the concept), and i found out about 3 days ago that it can apply to regular blogs also. So, Heres me giving it a go.
I know i skipped out on one day but theres nothing i can do about that :D

See you tomorrow :)

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Karen Alloy!

This is Karen Alloy:

She is a famous Youtuber who i came across a couple of weeks ago. Shes funny, quirky and OBSESSED with this guy called Conan O'Brien.

If like me you don't know who Conan O'Brien is you can go here to his wikipedia page here:

Now, Karen is as i said, completely obsessed with this guy and she found out on thursday that he would be some live comedy shows in Minnesota, the state that she lives in. When she found this out she almost immediately made a Youtube video about it and bought tickets. As she said in that video, her ultimate dream right now would be for Conan to do a show with her <- A long shot but perfectly reachable. Now with the help of her fans and the power of twitter and the internet, She is getting us all to tweet at him and the one person he follows (@lovelybutton) to try and get him to do the show with her! Now in England, Conan O'brien has never been very big; i'll be honest and say that i had never heard of him until Karens video, but to see her reach her goal through the powers of the internet would be phenomenal to watch! Over the past 3 days i have been following Karen's story via BlogTV () and it has been amazing me.

Every minute this project is advancing through leaps and bounds and i perrsonally think it will happen :) I would actually LOVE it to become reality?

If i could ask him a question? "what was your reaction when you got all of those tweets?!"

SO please go and check out Karen's youtube (spricket24) and follow her twitter and join in with the project!

Thank you for reading this and please do get involved!

Em xxxx

Friday, 5 March 2010


I can't even begin how dramatic the last couple of weeks have been (no, noones died apart from Bradley Branning ='[)
Two of my best friends split up, i think another couple of friends are about to and my Ex decided to say some lovely stuff to me... heavy sarcasm by the way,seriously,what i he said to me hurt more than the original break up (HE asked me, HE ended it, nuff said about that dicccck XD); i recall him saying "Fuck off", "piss off" and "don't even talk to me" at one point.... What a lovely boy, What did i ever see in him? Wanker...
ANYWAY! Alls good as he got a good soaking with my mates waterbottle at lunch and i laughed.... alot;
Remember to follow me on twitter!

I know this wasn't very long, but i really am not in the mood, Byeee :)

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

New Post!

Need new post desperately!
schools been ok, although i had my third and final tetanus jab (no, not the HPV one, i have to go through all that other pain in may, i think) although, my stupid dickhead of a form teacher didn't hand my consent form in so i had to wait for about an hour and a half in this room that smelt like hospitals whilst they did nothing to find it, luckily some sensible woman eventually found it and i had that needle stabbed right into me, what made it worse was that i didnt have a vest on under my shirt (i completely forgot, ok?) so i had to skillfully (not dignified skill, but skill all the same) undo my shirt underneath my jumper, take my arm out of my sleeve and poke it through the head hole of my jumper, not very lady like and rather embarrassing, but it didn't hurt too much, although, alas it has started to kick in now x__X;;

What else has happened since i last posted my random rubbish?, Oh yahh, i turned 15 XD. Zee partee went very well and i got some lush presents from my friends including some nail varnish and jewellery.

I got photoshop from my parents (eeep) and i'm still being befuddled (i hate to nick words from Dumbledore but i felt like saying befuddled) by it and its alot more complicated than GIMP (haha, very funny. GIMP is a good programme and it's like photoshoo but free, google it, its totally safe ^^) i got money too which i feel is the bonus of birthdays :)

Although the sadness came out of me when i was more excited about how popular i would all of a sudden become with all of those birthday messages, nice going Facebook, now you're taking over my birthday...

I've given up chocolate for lent again, to loose yet more weight :) should be fun, but i have someone doing it with me this time. Please don't punish me for using lent for personal weight reasons instead of religious (sp?) reasons, don't be surprised?

i should go, I am super tired and havn't sworn in this entry (no, dickhead isn't a swearword, not in my book anyway)

Toodle pip and all that jazz

Em xxxx

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Nagging Mates...




Friday, 5 February 2010

birthday and other stuff


2010 huh? Its been better than 2009 so far thats for sure. Internet went down :( and like, as soon as it got fixeed my laptop went kaput. So yeahh..

Apparantly The Deathly Hallows are going to be in 3D? Joy... Jumping on the fucking bandwagon i say.

Its my birthday in 10 days :) We're going to ask the restaurant for my and my friend alex's birthday. tis gonna be good :)

just wanted to quickley update.

Toodle pip xx