Friday, 8 October 2010

Better late than never :)


So I'm back, that's right :) I'm not dead and I have not given up on whoever reads this blog (EVIE!)
School started about a month ago, being Year 11 now we were all greeted with the same lecture of "This is the most important year of you life... you shall die if you get a D in anything" etc etc... which of course is not true because as long as you have at least 5 A*-C grades you can do A-levels.

Which moves me onto my modular exam results. I can tell you now (I just spelt that as "know" FML.) that I didn't achieve a single A* or A. I did get a B in biology however which was a pleasant surprise, as well as a B in Music (which was astonishing considering the whole exam contained everything we HADN'T studied but I'm not complaining). I got a C in Chemistry (which is a fucking miracle to be honest with you. I have never been more glad to get rid of a teacher in my life) and a C in History (thanks to a lot of cramming the night before). Here come the Ds... Yes, ladies and gentlemen... I got 3 Ds - however, two of those were in Philosophy and Ethics which have no reason what so ever, So in my head, I got 1 D (in physics but I hate physics sooo ya XD).

Last Saturday I got the cartilage of my ear pierced. Looks awesome but kills like a bitch. I really can't be bothered to post a picture, that involves effort.

I have my work experience the week after next which should be interessant (did I spell that right? Eve?!). My mum's colleague's friend's graphics company. Not too sure how it'll pan out but I have been reassured that it won't just be photocopying and coffee runs.

Who is this Eve character you are asking... well, she is my number one blog fan... and also one of my closest friends, who I have already dedicated a post to but I can dedicate this to her also :P

I don't mean to brag... but... I AM SEEING PARAMORE NEXT MONTH!!! YAY!! Seriously, you have NO idea how much I have been looking forward to this. Aaaah, gonna be so good. Hayley Williams is just a GODDESS!

I finally got around to ordering Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska. All I can say is... OH MY GOD. I don't think I have loved 2 books more (apart 7 rather spiffing books in particular... you know what I mean :)). Looking for Alaska just had so much action and the most tragically beautiful ending you could ask for. What I will say is that I found that Margo and Alaska were rather similar characters, both strong willed that just want to be noticed. I won't talk about it too much simply 'cus Eve is still reading Looking for Alaska.

Oh, I started doing videos :D (well, one) here so if you want to check my channel out then you can.

I think that that is about it for now

*high five for my longest post yet*

Keep reading, Keep Rocking and I will talk to you soon

P.S: MS Word has counted 530 words :D

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