Sunday 12 June 2011


Hey :)
So I just went through some of my old posts on here and I am cringing to the max. I was such a bitch a few years ago, wow.
It's like finding one of my old diaries from about 3 years ago (which I did the other day... Jeez), I swear, when I was 14 I was obsessed with the opposite sex and everything to do with love and gossip. Dude, I was shallow XD
Some of them don't even make any sense, I mean there was something in there about detention? I don't even remember having a detention... well, I've had detention but I don't remember getting one in Year 9. Oh well. I was such a little shit it's unbelievable. Oh, You can go and read the archive of my posts if you want but you may just cringe to death lol.
I should be revising History right now, but posting on here seemed a whole lot more interesting. I swear, I'm going to fail History so badly on Tuesday - The only remotely interesting thing I know about Hitler is that he molested his Niece... Nice going Adolph.
Most people seem to be finishing their exams this week, I don't finish until two weeks tomorrow o____O. EFFORT, Oh well, It's worth it apparently.
I never ever ever have to do Maths ever again :D So ludicrously happy (I bet you thought Ludicrously Tasty then for a second, If you're British that is. Don't lie! :P)
So I'm going to go and attempt to learn about Hitler and not go on the computer *no promises*


Wednesday 8 June 2011

Exam Stress and What not.

So helloooo :)

I keep meaning to do a blog post but never get 'round to it. But, I'm typing now :)

So GCSEs have started in the UK and they've hit me. hard. It's not so much having a lot of exams that is stressing me, It's the lack of revision. Now I know that's my fault but I can't seem to get my mind in gear. Oh well, It's only the rest of my life ;)

I'm going to try and blog for most days from now on, I know that seems unlikely but I'll try :D

We had our last day of full time education (well, until September, I'm going back for 6th Form) and it was actually quite emotional (I said quite) for the most part despite the fact I can't wait to get rid of those sods.

Me looking like a dork in the middle. Surrounded by my bitches.
Oh, what else has happened? OH YEAH, I met James and Oliver Phelps!!!!! AKA Gred and Forge! They were so ridiculously nice and lovely and just THEM! They signed a photo of them for me :D
They've touched that!
Anyway, I've run out of things  to talk about